To ensure that you gain maximum benefit from the treatment, House Spa recommends that you follow these guidelines:
Increase the amount of water you drink over the next few days
Reduce your caffeine intake (coffee, tea, colas)
Avoid alcohol for 24 hours before and after the treatment
Try to cut down on smoking
Take time to relax, do something that you enjoy
Eat fresh fruit & vegetables daily; eat light meals for next for few days
Avoid strenuous exercise
Avoid having a shower or bath and allow the oil to absorb into the skin
Your practitioner will:
- Explain the treatment to you.
- Sanitise your feet.
- Apply your chosen massage oil.
- Please feel free to communicate during the massage.

Your practitioner will:
- Explain the treatment to you.
- Sanitise your feet.
- Apply your chosen massage oil.
- Please feel free to communicate during the massage.